The Siuslaw Public Library District is a special local taxing district that must conform to Oregon Local Budget Law. This means that the library publishes and holds public meetings and hearings to invite public input through each annual budget cycle. The library is also audited annually by an outside accounting firm as required by Oregon Revised Statute. ​
Review the last five years of the library's budgets and audits using the links below:
Public Notice: Request for Proposal, Auditing Services
The Siuslaw Public Library District is soliciting proposals from qualified accounting firms to
audit the District's financial statements. The District is seeking a new auditor to replace an accounting firm that will cease offering municipal audits at the end of the year. The selected firm will audit the District’s financial statements for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2025, with the option of auditing the District's financial statements for the four (4) subsequent fiscal years, ending on June 30, 2029.
Proposals must be received no later than 5 p.m., PST, on Friday, January 24, 2025 to be considered.