Help the Friends Help the Library
So, you love your Library, you have some limited time available, and you want to help the Friends (more than just paying the annual dues—which we very much appreciate). What can you do?
Join the Board:
Like every nonprofit corporation, the Friends must have a board of directors. We have a nine-member board, which includes four officers, elected for one-year terms and four members-at-large, elected for two-year terms. The past-president makes the 9th board member. Board members all attend the monthly meetings about 1.5 hours per month. Four of the members have specific duties which include:
President: Prepares agendas and meeting materials, manages the organization; spends two-four hours per month
Vice President: Acts in the absence of the president.
Secretary: Takes, transcribes and disseminates minutes of the meeting, taking about two hours per month.
Treasurer: Collects and deposits funds, pays bills, produces a monthly report, monitors the budget and generally oversees the Friends’ finances taking about six hours per month.
While we have a full board roster at this time, vacancies sometimes occur and, of course, we will be looking for new board members to serve in 2024.
Join a committee:
Volunteering on committees is a vital and enjoyable way to help the Friends and support your library. The Friends has several standing committees. Each committee must have a chair and, depending on the committee, up to 20 committee members. Check out the committees below. You're sure to find one that suits you.
Book Sale: These are the very hardworking folks who transform the Bromley Room into an amazing book store 3-5 times per year. These members set up the room for the sale, put up tables, assign book categories, then display thousands of books for eager buyers. They also organize the boxes of books for easy re-stocking and provide customer service during the sale. Cashiers handle the money during the sale and everyone helps with tear down after the sale. This is our largest committee and time requirements vary from one to several hours per sale, depending on choice of activities.
Book Sorting: These volunteers sort through the thousands of books that are donated to the library each year. Committee members empty the donation cart daily, then sort and shelve the donated items for the library, the Friends bookstore, the next book sale, etc. Sorters also restock the book store in the library. Book sorters usually work one day per week for about an hour.
Greeting Cards: This group is responsible for creating the beautiful greeting cards for sale in the Friends in-library book store. You can read details of this committee's adventures (and requirements) on their own web page.
Membership: This committee tracks member dues, maintains the membership database and email groups, welcomes new members, informs interested members of volunteer openings, sends thank you notes for donations, helps with lobby events and book sales, and ensures availability of brochures and member materials. Currently there are two people on this committee, and more volunteers are always welcome. Time requirements vary with activities chosen.
Newsletter: This committee plans, gathers articles, and publishes our annual newsletter, The Bookmark, including arranging for printing and distribution. Committee members write or gather the articles and submit them to the editor.
Publicity: This committee is responsible for writing and submitting press releases for Friends’ meetings and events, creating and distributing meeting/event posters, and providing publicity for book sales, including placement of yard signs. This committee welcomes more volunteers; time requirement is about one hour per month, with one to two hours required at book sale time.
E-presence: This committee keeps our web pages current, posts updates on our Facebook page, and monitors our email account. Depending on chosen tasks, familiarity with web page maintenance, Facebook, and G-mail is desired. Time requirements vary.
Help with special events:
The Friends periodically have special events or activities that require additional help on a temporary basis. These special events vary in time required and we’re always looking for extra hands to help make them a success. The more successful the Friends are in each of our endeavors, the more we can do for the Library.
How do I volunteer or get more information?
Be sure and check the "I want to volunteer" box on your membership form.
If you know the listed committee chair, contact them directly.
Drop us a line at P.O. Box 2465, Florence OR 97439.
Come to a monthly board meeting. You are always welcome!