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Update on Library Windows

Dear Siuslaw Public Library Community,

Thank you for the outpouring of support after the recent vandalism at our Florence location. So many of you have expressed shock and outrage over the incident, and love for the library. We’ve gotten many questions from you about the vandalism and what will happen next, so we wanted to give you an update on the situation.

The incident occurred Friday, March 8, at about 8:30 AM. Some staff were already at the library and called 911 after seeing a man throwing rocks through the windows along the front side. The Florence Police Department responded immediately and arrested the person responsible, who was still on the scene.

Library staff and board members cleaned up the broken glass inside and outside, and the library opened on time for the day.

Eight windows were damaged or broken. We have gotten bids for repair/replacement and are working with our insurance agency and a local contractor to schedule the work. The repairs are expected to take several weeks. In the meantime, you will see that the windows have been boarded up for safety.

Some of you have asked whether the library has security cameras. Yes, we do, and we were able to share footage of the incident with the police department.

We are so grateful to serve such a wonderful community, and we appreciate everyone who’s offered to help after this unfortunate vandalism.

If you have any other questions, please ask!

Thank you,

SPLD Staff


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